About Financing

no fees. no pressure. no hassle.

BCRV is an authorized signing representative for all major lenders in BC. Our Financial Services Manager is able to set up flexible monthly or bi-weekly payments to work within any budget. Stop in and see how affordable it really is to be glamping in style! 

Thinking about financing with your Line of Credit or Home Equity Line? 

Although this seems like a good idea, it really isn't. The rate appears to be lower than most other financing options, however, it becomes a 2nd mortgage and the bank now has total control of your finances. Most Banking Officers would agree that in most cases, keeping your RV loan apart from your other assets is definitely the way to go. Our FSM will review all your options, but at the end of the day, it is ultimately your decision how to pay for your new RV. It doesn't cost you anything to have a chat!